The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was inaugurated by honourable Prime Minister on 2nd October 2014. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or the "Clean India Campaign" is the biggest cleanliness drive in the country. The main purpose of the Clean India Campaign is to make India a dirt-free country in the next five years, to construct community and public toilets in rural and urban areas, to provide running water supply, to treat waste water, to keep roads, pavements and localities clean etc.
Over time, this initiative has been adopted and supported by many national bodies such as Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), corporations, NGOs, state governments and business associations like Software Technology Parks of India (STPI). STPI, a business association of leading software companies took up the responsibility of carrying forward the national mission of a clean India. The association organised a Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in Infocity, Bhubaneshwar.
Mr. Arun Patnaik, CEO and Director, AABSyS IT with Dr. Onkar Rai (Director General STPI), Mr. P.K.Das (Additional Director, Guwahati), Mr. Manas Panda (Additional Secretary, STPI), members of STPI and AABSyS employees.
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in Infocity, Bhubaneshwar was inaugurated by the Director General, zonal directors and members of STPI. The event was attended by Dr. Onkar Rai (Director General, STPI), Mr. P.K.Das (Additional Director, STPI,-Guwahati), Mr. Manas Panda (Additional Director, STPI- Bhubaneswar), and other notable members. The event saw directors and employees of the member companies participate in the event by cleaning the Infocity streets with great enthusiasm. AABSyS was a co-sponsor of food & beverages for the event.
AABSyS and its employees lauded the efforts by STPI and took the initiative a notch higher by cleaning the streets of Infocity as well as the AABSyS office premises. The company also took up the task of appointing twenty brand ambassadors for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan who will monitor the drive in the years to come.
AABSyS is a notable member of STPI since many years now. It was represented by its employees and CEO and Director, Mr. Arun Patnaik. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan drive brought out the feeling of compassion and unity in the members of STPI. The initiative was declared a huge success with the members pledging to keep their environment clean.