The growth and development of nations worldwide has led to a steep rise in the demands for oil and gas. This trend has led to the oil and gas mining industries to invest more in progressive and adaptive technologies like GIS for oil and gas. Crude oil and gas is now found in further deep across the earth’s surface than it was previously, and hence it is essential to use precise technologies like GIS for oil and gas for fuel exploration and appropriate utilization. GIS for oil and gas deals with large amounts of data daily such as data based on the geographic features of the site to data for well-logging, pipeline planning, etc., the data required to understand the impact of the project on the environment. GIS for oil and gas also helps in land management which includes working on centralisation of the data for report creation for regulators or for better analysis of the project.
AABSyS IT has been providing GIS for oil and gas to leading oil and petroleum exploration and distribution companies globally. Their operational and research teams have been using GIS for oil and gas for the following:
- Data index maps creation
- Exploration Survey
- Block ranking via quantitative analysis
- Land management
- Well log digitization
- Thematic maps
- Field operations using high resolution imagery
- Pipeline planning
- Environmental management
- Disaster management
AABSyS’ GIS for oil and gas use industry standard software such as ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine / ER Mapper, MapInfo and AutoCAD Map for projects pertaining to oil and gas industry.