Forestry mapping services such as Forestry GIS are often required by government and commercial agencies to perform value assessments for certification, funding, policy recommendations and regulatory compliances. Often, the forest-cover data available with the private and govt. agencies is dated and unreliable. This data is not helpful to the user, forestry GIS can enable creation of updated data. The fast paced growth and the effect of multiple industries have led to the need for a more precise and unique response to manage the forestry data.
AABSyS IT’s forestry mapping services use Forestry GIS and other techniques to provide project specific solutions in the field of forest management, watershed management, desertification combat, biodiversity management, environmental monitoring and wildlife habitat encroachment.
The services provided by AABSyS in Forestry GIS sector to help in managing the forestry assets can be summarized as:
- Forestry GIS management and suitable livelihood development
- Forest Spatial Data Information portal
- Forestry mapping services for corridor identification
- Species level classification and biodiversity forestry mapping services
- Change detection studies of forest management
- Environment impact assessment studies
- Identifying sites for eco-restoration
- Forestry mapping services of plantations and zonal mapping
- Ortho rectification, haze removal, NDVI for deforestation, forest management and fire mapping
AABSyS IT’s Forestry GIS services use high end software such as ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine/ER Mapper, MapInfo and AutoCAD Map, and ArcFM.