
Utility Mapping by GIS Companies can be Productive and Cost Effective

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GIS companies offer technology-aided utility mapping and utility locating solutions. Many utility companies and government agencies have observed that utility mapping provides proactive, accurate solutions to aid in their construction and planning projects, without straining their financial resources and wasting their time and budget.

Utility mapping is of utmost benefit to utility companies for gathering accurate and real-time data in the form of digital maps. Any construction or utility company will testify for the importance of having accurate data for underground utility lines. If an average city is an amazing maze of roads, rails and bridges, the underground scenario is an even more complex network, with utility pipes for telephone cables, water, power, gas, sewers etc.

Digging into a utility line without having accurate, pin-point knowledge of what lies beneath can cost you money, time and energy. Companies cannot rely on obsolete maps that give incorrect and incomplete picture of what they are researching for; what they need are technology-aided utility locating and underground utility mapping that are offered by GIS companies.

GIS companies who are experts in utility mapping, offer the most detailed and dynamic underground utility mapping solutions possible. They produce 2D and 3D maps and help companies in locating the utility lines easily and accurately. Utility mapping can be enormously helpful from just aiding you with a construction site to mapping the whole city. With the help of Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Computer Aided Design (CAD) and GIS data conversion software, GIS companies convert data into dynamic maps that are very useful for utility projects.

Procedure of utility mapping: GIS companies procure existing hard copies of the maps available from the concerned government authorities such as Revenue departments, Survey Departments etc. Then, they make use of satellite images with the help of high end remote sensing techniques, which are overlaid on the Digital base map for the purpose of georeferncing with the earth coordinates, and also in analyzing the kind of terrain, landuse classification, and actual landscape on the map. The third and a crucial stage is data capturing, where the base map is prepared and digitized from existing hard copies through the process of scanning, geo-referencing, digitization and mosacing.

Ground survey is done with the help of advanced instruments such as DGPS (Digital Global Positioning Systems), and ETS (Electronic Total Station). The survey is a primary stage of the GIS Mapping sector where the detailed data are captured by the GIS survey team through measurements of the assets and questionnaires. The spatial data (or the digitized maps) are taken into the target GIS System, and a non-spatial database is created and linked. The target GIS System now acquires the ability to store, edit, add, produce reports and analyze the spatial and non-spatial data.

GIS companies are the best for utility mapping: GIS Mapping companies help provide turn-key solutions to government departments, utility companies, telecom companies, environmentalists, geologists, research organizations, etc. GIS services are of immense help to utility companies to make appropriate designs and plans. Underground utility mapping saves companies from looking into damaged utility lines which serve no purpose, prevents delays and wasteful expenditure. With utility mapping, not only can businesses finish projects on time, avoid bottlenecks, save costs and make productive use of resources, they can also comply with regulations for health and safety during the construction process.