The customer, a leading Geographical Institute in Belgium and some more countries in Europe requires AABSyS to prepare a 3D model from a part of Belgium. The customer possess data sets in form of the contour information as the survey data.
Solution Offered
- The hard copies of the data supplied by the customer were scanned to use as a reference for heads-up digitization of the provided maps.
- The digitization of the all the maps was done using AutoCAD 3D Map.
- The team at AABSyS ensures that different features such as roads, railways, rivers, streams and contours are digitized in individual layers. Z-axis value was assigned to each contour line.
- The customer was consulted for the missing height of contours and data file was created using the AutoCAD Land Development Desktop.
- The Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN), a necessary step for creation of 3D Digital Maps, was created from the contour map.
- Once the TIN for the particular area was created, various 2D-thematic layers such as roads, railways, rivers, and streams were then overlaid over it.
Technology used
- AABSyS is equipped with the right software for the creation of contours and terrain models from the contours.
- The team at AABSyS used high end, up-to dated software such as AutoCAD, ArcFM, and ERDAS Imagine etc. to complete the given task.
- Few indigenous auto lisp routines were developed in order to expedite the drafting process and assure quality assured 3D Digital Maps.
- AABSyS was in continuous correspondence with the clients in order to solve any queries.
AABSyS Advantage
- AABSyS has been providing of 3D Digital Mapping services for many years now.
- The client, a leading Geographical Institute located in Belgium. The flawless 3D Digital Maps provided by AABSyS were useful in making informed decisions.
- The client appreciated the work done at AABSyS as the deliverables were provided in a time bound, cost effective manner.
- An extensive quality assurance procedure ensured delivery of perfect 3D Digital Maps.