

Computer Aided Facility Management Design Drafting

The practice of coordinating details of the physical workplace with the people and work of the organization is known as Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM). The Computer Aided Facility Management technology helps the customers in tracking space occupancy, forecasting space needs and generating, stacking and blocking diagrams for space planning. The objectives of the industry include:

  1. Optimal utilization of space and tracking information from single source.
  2. Information of areas and status of rooms, furniture details with associated existing database.

The Computer Aided Facility Management services provided by AABSyS involve:

  • Architectural CAD drafting of floor plans, facility plans, interior plans with furniture etc. as per the measured/ surveyed dimensions with reference to hand-sketches, standard or standardization of existing as-built plans
  • Room area polyline
  • Linking of data like space class, capacity, occupancy etc. to the drawings
  • Uploading the drawing/data to system
  • Daily maintenance of Computer aided facility management system for changes like occupancy, movement, cost centre, layout changes, etc.

Computer Aided Facility Management utilizes floor plans that are CAD drafted as per the measured surveyed dimensions with reference to hand-sketches and photos provided by survey team and as per standard.

AABSyS CAD draft the floor plans as per the measured surveyed dimensions with reference to hand-sketches and photographs provided by survey team. AABSyS takes care of the layering, blocking and polylining standard of the floor plans as required by the Computer aided facility management system.

During drafting stage, AABSyS takes care of the congruency between the main walls of multi-stored apartments.

As per requirement, AABSyS splits the main drawing into different masters like core master (core walls of the floor), furniture master (furniture and temporary furniture walls), space master (internal and external and room polylines), service master (electrical, HVAC, communication fixture details) and protection master (fire alarm equipment and emergency path details, etc.) and properly xref them as per Computer aided facility management standard.

After conducting a thorough quality check AABSyS delivers the Computer aided facility management compatible CAD drawings to the client or uploads them to online Computer aided facility management system as per the client’s requirement. AABSyS also undertakes daily maintenance of Computer aided facility management system for changes like occupancy, movement, cost centre, layout changes, etc.