

The fast pace of development and urbanisation has resulted in creation of new cities, townships etc. The new residential or commercial settlements require procurement of amenities such as well-planned out electricity lines that ensure smooth, hassle free transportation of electricity. The use of GIS for electricity has created much fervour in the utility industry.

GIS for electricity, Remote Sensing, and CAD play an important role in designing, drafting, and planning of electricity supply lines within a township or from a power station in a time bound and organised manner. The maps of the concerned area are created use high end up-o-date software. The company works in multiple GIS for electricity and CAD formats and is therefore an ideally choice for clients worldwide.

The main areas of focus by AABSyS in the GIS for electricity sector are:

AABSyS has the right combination of extensive expertise and experience in the use of GIS for electricity industry and is known for its client centric, time bound and cost effective services. The company has a rigorous quality assurance procedure that is enables AABSyS to generate flawless deliverables.

To watch the video on our Electric Asset Data Management services, please Click here .


The client, the largest Electricity Distribution Company in New Zealand required updated service connections of the existing electricity network on ArcFM platform. The customer possess the field sketches, photos from site for reference, these were supplied to AABSyS. The jobs cards must be updated for smooth functioning of the electricity network. AABSyS was required to update about 5000 job-cards. These job cards include the distribution lines and service connections.

Solution Offered

  • AABSyS team created a six members. The team consisted of a Project Head who was responsible for training, customer coordination, task management and Quality check and Delivery.
  • Keeping the practice of providing cost effective, time bound solutions, the project was given a deadline of six months.
  • The AABSyS team had no experience of ArcFM and were therefore trained online on CITRIX by customer. The job cards were updated in Citrix Mode.
  • The field sketches and the site photographs were provided for reference.
  • The attributes such as fuses, house connection box etc. were taken from the source job-cards and filled in the object editor of each pipe and object.

Technology used

  • A dedicated team comprising of six individuals managed by a Project head was assigned to work on the project.
  • The team at AABSyS used high end, up-to dated ArcFM software to complete the given task in a Citrix Mode.
  • The team had access to limited number of up to date software licenses.
  • Attributes of transmission or distribution wires and other electrical devices such as fuses, house connection box etc. were taken from the source job-cards and filled in the object editor of each pipe and object.
  • Few indigenous routines were developed in order to ensure error free and quality assured job cards.
  • AABSyS has an indigenous online query management system and the team at AABSyS was in continuous correspondence with

AABSyS Advantage

  • The team at AABSyS quickly understood the workings of ArcFM and AABSyS completed the project in the stipulated time frame.
  • The client, the largest Electricity Distribution Company in New Zealand required the job cards to be updated in a time bound and cost effective manner. The job cards provided by AABSyS were useful in making informed decisions.
  • The indigenous online query management system ensured that only relevant questions were asked by the AABSyS team.
  • The team at AABSyS ensure that the project was completed in least possible time frame.


The client, a leading utility distribution company in Germany for Electricity, Gas and Water, requires digitization of electrical distribution network. AABSyS was required to capture the electricity network with details such as high, medium, low voltage cables and objects such as stations, distributors, joints etc. along with the streetlight and house service cables in detail scale asset data into GIS using SmallWorld 4.1 platform. Data such as paper maps, ground cadastre map data etc. were supplied by the client. AABSyS partnered with an authorized SmallWorld solution and GIS Service provider for the project.

Solution Offered

  • Three weeks onsite training on source data structure, specification, methodology and pilot data capturing was given to AABSyS’s senior management.
  • AABSyS deployed as many as 75 resources; where 50 people were in production, 15 people were in Quality Check and 10 people were in project coordination, doubt clarification and management.
  • The project was executed on CITRIX mode by accessing the remote server at customer end in Germany.
  • AABSyS captured high, medium and lower voltage cables, streetlight cables, and communication and house connections as per the dimensions with reference to the original raster maps. The team rerouted voltage cables along the street with reference to the original raster maps.
  • Various quality check procedure such as automated query checking, spot checking was done to ensure error free maps

Technology used

  • Our partner had provided their developed easy tools to expedite the data capturing process. The project was executed on CITRIX mode by accessing the remote server at customer end in Germany.
  • Medium Voltage cables were supplied directly connected from station to station.
  • All the electrical stations, distributors, joints, protection ducts were captured with their attributes. A standard 0.3 m distance was maintained between each cable.
  • All features captured in details scale then transferred to overview scale. Internal schematic maps for transformers and distributors were prepared.
  • Dimensions such as, linear, orthogonal, chain type were placed as per the raster maps
  • Each map was plotted and checked against the original scanned maps to ensure the 100% capturing of the data.

AABSyS Advantage

  • The client is a leading utility distribution company in Germany for Electricity, Gas and Water, located in Germany. The flawless maps created by AABSyS were useful in making informed decisions.
  • AABSyS has a track record of supporting some of the prestigious Electrical, Gas and Telecommunication utility majors in Europe, Australia and US, for their GIS data conversion and software automation projects, in diverse set of GIS platforms including AutoCAD, SmallWorld, SpatialNet, Network Engineer and MicroStation.


The customer, a leading largest Utility Distribution Companies (for Gas/Water/Electricity) in Germany and some more countries in Europe, required Vectorization of electrical cables and devices on the pre-vectorized ground cadaster map and linking all electrical entities with the MS Access database containing their respective properties. The customer possess scanned images of plans, detail sheets of stations & transformers and details of house connections.

Solution Offered

  • AABSyS scanned the images of the Plots for reference while preparing the maps in DNG format.
  • The electrical network information containing cables, substations, transformers, street lights, etc. were drawn as per dimensions on the digital ground cadaster map using customized tools provided in GEBIS software.
  • A database containing specifications such as cable numbers, year of installation, type and length of cable, capacity was created. The database was linked to the corresponding cable on the map.
  • Structures such as substations, poles and devices such as transformers, switches, pads, manholes and corresponding information were placed as block attributes on the map.
  • All digitized electrical entities were linked to a MS Access database containing their respective properties through the GEBIS software.
  • The vectorized map in DGN format along with the MS Access database were delivered to the client. The scanned images were plotted and electrical network information (cables, substations, transformers, street lights, etc.) was drawn as per dimensions on ground cadaster map using self-developed automated programs in AutoLISP.

Technology used

  • AABSyS used automated tools and customized software for conversion of the products. AABSyS team used techniques such as manual digitizing, coordinate conversion, rubber sheeting and merging for timely completion of the project.
  • Few indigenous auto lisp routines were developed in order to expedite the drafting process and assure quality assured floor plans.
  • The team at AABSyS used high end, up-to dated software such tools provided by GEBIS software
  • AABSyS was in continuous correspondence with the clients in order to solve any queries.

AABSyS Advantage

  • The team at AABSyS quickly understood the requirements and expectations of the project and AABSyS completed the project in the stipulated time frame.
  • The client, the largest Electricity Distribution Company in Europe required project to be completed for easy estimation and maintenance of electrical network in a time bound and cost effective manner.
  • The indigenous online query management system ensured that only relevant questions were asked by the AABSyS team.
  • The team at AABSyS ensure that the project was completed in least possible time frame.


The customer, a leading largest Utility Distribution Companies (for Gas/Water/Electricity) in Germany and some more countries in Europe, required construction of electrical cables and devices on pre-vectorized ground cadaster map and auto-grouped all objects with their corresponding descriptions into block-structure. The customer possess scanned images of plans, detail sheets of stations & transformers and details of house connections.

Solution Offered

  • Raster images (in TIFF format) containing the electrical distribution network were digitized on pre-digitized ground cadaster maps in DXF format. Through rubber sheeting the raster images were fit on the ground cadaster maps.
  • The scanned images were plotted and electrical network information (cables, substations, transformers, street lights, etc.) was drawn as per dimensions on ground cadaster map using self-developed automated programs in AutoLISP.
  • The digitized electrical entities and descriptions were grouped as Block structures for easy import easily into client’s GIS system and were delivered in DXF format.
  • A database containing specifications such as cable numbers, year of installation, type and length of cable, capacity was created. The database was linked to the corresponding cable on the map.
  • Structures such as substations, poles and devices such as transformers, switches, pads, manholes and corresponding information were placed as block attributes on the map.
  • Final quality control included the use of tailor made automated programs and manual tracking before delivery in DXF format.

Technology used

  • AABSyS used heads up digitization for conversion of the products. AABSyS team used techniques such as manual digitizing, coordinate conversion, rubber sheeting and merging for timely completion of the project.
  • Few indigenous auto lisp routines were developed in order to expedite the drafting process and assure quality assured floor plans.
  • The team at AABSyS used high end, up-to dated software such as AutoCAD, Estate Manager, Archibus, Admin, etc. to complete the given task.
  • AABSyS was in continuous correspondence with the clients in order to solve any queries.

AABSyS Advantage

  • The team at AABSyS quickly understood the requirements and expectations of the project and AABSyS completed the project in the stipulated time frame.
  • The client, the largest Electricity Distribution Company in Europe required the project to be completed in a time bound and cost effective manner for easy maintenance and monitoring of the city’s Electrical Distribution Network.
  • The indigenous online query management system ensured that only relevant questions were asked by the AABSyS team.
  • The team at AABSyS ensure that the project was completed in least possible time frame.